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Friday, April 16, 2010


This time, I wanna introduce my first roommate. She is from California and 19 years old. I was worried about roommate before I came here. I heard most Americans are messy and rude although it may be stereotype. However, it seems that I’m lucky because she is very kind and friendly. She is half American and half Japanese. She didn’t say it first time, but I noticed it she told me her email address. Her last name is Japanese one! Fortunately, she cannot speak Japanese, so we speak only English. Also, yesterday, we noticed that our grandmother has the same name! What a coincidence story this is!

I joined a party yesterday. The name of the party is BLACKOUT PARTY! It started at 9pm. That was a black light dance party. The entire place was blacked out, so we had to wear at least one piece of white clothing to get in. I got a white T-shirt free! We painted a lot on our T-shirts and danced! Also, I saw a strange food. They called it desert sushi. This picture is it. It looks strange, but it was good, not too sweet. Anyway, I had a good time there.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Basketball Game!

Last Monday, I went to watch NBA basketball game! It was soooo exciting game!! It was the first time to watch the basketball game. I don’t know the rule of basketball game well and the famous basketball player, but I could enjoy it! Utah has a professional basketball team named Utah Jazz. Utah Jazz played against New York Nicks. Before the game started, we got some autographs from players. During the game, I was surprised at booing. While the opposing team was sinking a free throw, most people did it. Of course, most people are fans of Utah Jazz because it was held at Energy Solution Arena in Utah. The game which I wacthed was the last game of this season, so I was lucky!

I heard people in Japan can see cherry blossoms now.I wanna see them. If you went to see them, send me your picture of them!On the other hand, we have a lot of snow still. I slipped a little because of snow. I had never seen many snow before, but it is not so cold here. I think Tokyo in January is colder than here now. Take care!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My First Week

I arrived here on March 18th.

When I left Japan, many friends came to see me to Narita airport. I didn’t feel sad at the time, but I cried a lot in airplane because of their letter. In airplane, I met a man who works at Nichirei food company. He asked me “Are you going to study abroad?” first. He saw I was crying and thought I felt lonely. And then, we talked a lot. After I got off plane, I met JSAF students. We got on shuttle to our university and arrived at 5p.m. The day was long day because all I did were first time to do. I met my roommate, too. She is 18 years old, freshman. She is very kind person. Moreover, her father is Japanese! I was surprised at that. However, she can’t speak Japanese. It is good for me because I want to improve my English skills. On Saturday, I went shopping with my roommate. I went to Gateway, shopping mall at Salt Lake City downtown. We shared the lunch and bought some clothes. On Sunday, I met Yuka and her boyfriend. Yuka is my senior of Aoyama Gakuin University. Yuka studied here 2 years ago. She visited her boyfriend at the same time when I came here. They helped me a lot. On Monday, the class got started. It was good but there are a lot of Japanese because I’m taking ELI class now. I want to take other class fast!