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Thursday, March 25, 2010

My First Week

I arrived here on March 18th.

When I left Japan, many friends came to see me to Narita airport. I didn’t feel sad at the time, but I cried a lot in airplane because of their letter. In airplane, I met a man who works at Nichirei food company. He asked me “Are you going to study abroad?” first. He saw I was crying and thought I felt lonely. And then, we talked a lot. After I got off plane, I met JSAF students. We got on shuttle to our university and arrived at 5p.m. The day was long day because all I did were first time to do. I met my roommate, too. She is 18 years old, freshman. She is very kind person. Moreover, her father is Japanese! I was surprised at that. However, she can’t speak Japanese. It is good for me because I want to improve my English skills. On Saturday, I went shopping with my roommate. I went to Gateway, shopping mall at Salt Lake City downtown. We shared the lunch and bought some clothes. On Sunday, I met Yuka and her boyfriend. Yuka is my senior of Aoyama Gakuin University. Yuka studied here 2 years ago. She visited her boyfriend at the same time when I came here. They helped me a lot. On Monday, the class got started. It was good but there are a lot of Japanese because I’m taking ELI class now. I want to take other class fast!


  1. Ayumi~!!!
    I didn't know u cried!
    whenever u can call me in skype♪

  2. Ayana
    Thanks a looooot!
    u can make me laugh^^haha!

  3. I wish you a wonderful semester (year?) in Utah!
